Here I am blogging away again...3 times in like 2 months...not bad eh?
Since my last entry, much has happened so I figured it was time for me to share once again.
Where to start? Music? Life? Cookies?
OK Cookies it is...
My wife brought home these amazing cookies from Trader Joes the other day. You should find them and eat them. With Milk if possible. I promise you a moment or clarity. The cookie is basically a typical choclate chip cookie, but infused with peanut butter so its really a peanut butter choclate chip cookie. This may not sound as exotic as say a sausalito (my personal favorite pepperidge farm offering), but Im telling you, you will not be disapointed. I was actually at work today and was looking for a snack in the kitchen, and the next thing I knew was thinking about those cookies. Someone asked me something about a project we are workig on and all I could come up with was "Im going to choclate later". What does that mean? Anyways, like I said, go get some of those sweet choclaty peanut buttery morsels in your mouth ASAP, youll be glad you did...
Alrighty then. Lets see if I can write abot Music now that I have cookie on the brain...
I am making a huge effort to find and listen to new music. Not actually NEW in the sense that the band is unknown, unsigned, etc, although a lot of of the stuff Im checking out lately is just that, but also new to ME. I realized the other day that Im not on as many music promo lists as I used to be, and not getting all those sweet ass monthly new music compilations and demo subissions as I used to so I have to take it upon myself to do so. I also realized that my ipod is rampacked with a ton of great music, but most of it is stuff I know by heart (Van Halen, Guns n Roses, The Clash, The Who, Beasties, etc) I love all that stuff to death and I dont ever really tire of it, cus its soooo good, but I simply need to find some new meat for my sandwich feel me? So the first thing Ive done is to diligently (nice word eh?) download and listen to the free downloads that I get via email almost daily from, itunes single of the week, billboard, cmj, and so on. I also got a hold of some Vice CDs I found lying around the office. Those joints are chock full a good tunes. I must get back on that mailing list! On top of that I was lucky enough to be sent to SXSW in Austin, TX for my job. All expenses paid. No real agenda aside from research. Hard to beat. I made it to some great shows by some bands Id heard of and some I just came across. Some of the highlights were Valient Thorr. These guys are insane and really rip it. VietNam. I thought for sure these Williamsburg hipsters were gonna be another Yeah Yeah Yeahs or indie alt rock thing, but instead I was treated to an awesome display of bluegrass inspired sounds that really made the Lone Star Beer in my mouth taste like heaven. That said, I am really in search of my new favorite band, so if you hear of anything that moves you and think it might move me, send me a link or whatever.
OK...How about Movies then?
I still havent seen 300. I hear its awesome. I will try and catch it asap. maybe even at the IMAX. Im dying to see Grindhouse. Tarantino & Rodriquez double exploitation feature. How can you beat a girl with a machine gun for a leg and Kurt Russel? Box Office Gold... Saw Flags of our Fathers on DVD. Very impressive to watch, but not a great film. More like Fags of our Fathers....Thank you for Smoking...decent...not blown away...Tenacious D...hilarious!...oh yeah and Babel...very good....Departed...VERY Good...and the other one with the dysfucntional family and the kids pageant...better than I would have guessed...and of course I did see Zodiac. I read that book when I was in middle school so I have to say the second I heard they were making it into a movie I was interested. Then I heard David Fincher was going to direct and since I loved Seven & Fight Club, I figured it would kick butt and although I wouldnt say it actualy kicked any butts, it was a great movie and worth going to the theatre for. I liked the soundtrack, the feel, the acting, and the fact that they showed a clip from dirty harry which kind of bit the Zodiac by calling their SF area killer Scorpio. Niiiice....Next big one for me is probably Spider Man 3 although I have to admit that even though Fantastic Four sucked soooooo badly I wil probably check out the new one featuring the Silver Surfer. C'mon the silver surfer is awesome, they have to realize F4 was crap, and really go big right? right?
god I hope wife will kill me if I even try to make her watch it after I dragged her to the first peice of shit.
Speaking of my lovely wife....
I recently had my 2 year wedding anniversary. Hard to believe its been 2 whole years since we tied the knot. Just the same sometimes its hard to believe its only been 2 years. I guess thats good either way. Married life hasnt changed me much in some ways, but it has a lot in others. I dont think anyone really knows for sure whether things are going to go as planned or wind up as a major trainwreck on the evening news, but if you spend all your time worrying about things like that instead of enjoying your life it probably will go up in flames. So for me, its all about making the most out of the situation. Enjoying the good times, minimizing the bad, and really living instead of existing.
I think thats it for now. I ve got a great week ahead of me starting with tonight. My god buddy Scott Ian is going to be tearing the roof off RETOX rock bar in Chelsea with special guest Corey Taylor from Slipknot / Stone Sout. Holy Crapola!