Saturday, March 3, 2007


Per my usual hesitance to jump on any bandwagons, I have tried to resist the current trend of blogging, but since I have a lot to say, and need an easy way to say it, here I am Bloggin' Away...

Since this is my first official blog, but by no means my first published peice (yes I have been published outside of the net too...) I thought I would take a few moments to tell you who I am, and maybe what you can expect from this blog in the future. Assuming there is a future and I actually take the time to blog again.and again....

Sooooo about me...I was born and raised in Southern CT, just outside of NYC, where I now live (again). I grew up thinking I would be an artist, guitarist, or club owner. Although I professionally worked in all of those fields at one point or another, I currently keep the bills paid by working as a freelance marketing consultant to corporate brands and indy bands who want to take a stab at reaching the public eye in a hipper fashion than your typical ad campaign allows. Some of the cooler clients projects I have overseen include tour sponsorship campaigns for AT&T Wireless, RadioShack, American Express, and bands like The Rolling Stones. You may have heard of them? You can check out more about all of this at

Ouside of work, I watch a TON of movies, a little TV, , eat out and cook to the best of my ability, and when time allows, or Im up to it, I go out to clubs/bars/concert halls for music events and the occasional comedy show. Sometimes I work out. Sometimes I dont. I play my guitar as much as possible. I sleep in on weekends. I have a gorgeous wife (2 yrs 3.27.07) who see's through all the scruff, bad habits, and temper issues enough to love me. We have no kids (yet?), but we do have a small dog named Harley, who pretty much gets what she wants...

I tend to make top 10 lists based on current things in my life. So why not, post one here & now:

MY Current Top 10:

DVD: The Departed
BEER: Pacifico
BAR: The Other Room
TECH: Lacie External Drive
EVENT: Pete Townshends Attic Jam
MUSIC: Deftones Saturday Night Wrist
LIFE: Bringing my dog to the office
JOKE: Britney Spears on the Rampage!

OK then...enough for now. Im going to publish this and hope for the best!

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