Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Friendly Fires and White Lies at Bowery Ballroom

The Soft Pack, Friendly Fires, and White Lies played Bowery Ballroom on Friday, March 27th. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to catch the first act, The Soft Pack, my favorite band of the three.

I did get to see the lead singer of Friendly Fires, Ed Macfarlane--who definitely resembles a young, flamboyant Malcom McDowell!--and his spastic, gyrating dance moves. He was the highlight of my night! Plus, with a guitarist who brought a dustbuster to bang against his guitar strings for ambient effects and two sets of drummers perfectly in sync, they provided a performance worth my money. "Jump in the Pool" and "Paris" were most memorable. Their music is greatly appreciated when you need a little upper in your day, and if you want to dance at a show, check these boys out live.

It was very fitting to see the goth-inspired, macabre White Lies dressed in all-black and no surprise to feel their somber stage presence. I have to say, their irritating light effects could have given a non-epilectic kid a seizure. The random, disorienting, bright-as-fuck flashes into the audience felt like some sort of blinding defense tactic a la Rear Window rather than dramatic effect. However, I was impressed by frontman Harry McVeigh's vocals--bold and on-key. The audience was very energetic, singing along. The crowd favorite seemed to be E.S.T., which stayed stuck in my head the rest of the night.


Work To Do at 112 Greene St Studio

Street artists including Aiko, Bast, Dain, and Ellis G transformed the lower-level 112 Greene St. studio space into the vibrant, collaborative group show Work To Do, running through April 16th. Opening night, Thursday March 26th, featured deafeningly-loud 90's hip-hop and free beer and wine. Long lines wrapped along the block in the rain to get a first glimpse at the artwork!

My favorite pieces were WRONA's "Assorted Undead" series of acrylic and pen zombie creatures on cardboard. The undead suit was my favorite, but unfortunately it had already been sold.

My next two favorites were available (the bawling half-head and hippie) and since I was a bit tipsy (open bars at art shows are genius!), I decided to just go for it with no qualms. I've purchased prints and small handmade crafts before (my tea mug from Etsy!), but this was my first gallery purchase. A real milestone! The show offers affordable works if you're looking to purchase art. Regardless, it's worth a browse.
