Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Friendly Fires and White Lies at Bowery Ballroom

The Soft Pack, Friendly Fires, and White Lies played Bowery Ballroom on Friday, March 27th. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to catch the first act, The Soft Pack, my favorite band of the three.

I did get to see the lead singer of Friendly Fires, Ed Macfarlane--who definitely resembles a young, flamboyant Malcom McDowell!--and his spastic, gyrating dance moves. He was the highlight of my night! Plus, with a guitarist who brought a dustbuster to bang against his guitar strings for ambient effects and two sets of drummers perfectly in sync, they provided a performance worth my money. "Jump in the Pool" and "Paris" were most memorable. Their music is greatly appreciated when you need a little upper in your day, and if you want to dance at a show, check these boys out live.

It was very fitting to see the goth-inspired, macabre White Lies dressed in all-black and no surprise to feel their somber stage presence. I have to say, their irritating light effects could have given a non-epilectic kid a seizure. The random, disorienting, bright-as-fuck flashes into the audience felt like some sort of blinding defense tactic a la Rear Window rather than dramatic effect. However, I was impressed by frontman Harry McVeigh's vocals--bold and on-key. The audience was very energetic, singing along. The crowd favorite seemed to be E.S.T., which stayed stuck in my head the rest of the night.


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