Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Charlyne Yi and Akron/Family Live at Bowery Ballroom, NYC

Charlyne Yi opened for Akron/Family at Bowery Ballroom on Wednesday, May 6th. I saw her walking out the doors as I entered and my friend and I gave each other a knowing glance... we've all seen and loved Knocked Up! (She was the super dorky, high as a kite Asian girlfriend of Martin Starr, who I will forever think of as Bill from Freaks and Geeks.) What I had thought was just a fun celebrity sighting ended up being much, much more. She performed live, singing charmingly off-key while playing multiple instruments (guitar, small harp, accordion), mixing awkward yet delightful comedy sketches with simplistic, sweet melodies and tons of audience participation.

Charlyne Yi's MySpace

Performance artist, musician, screenwriter, actress, comedian, on-screen and possibly real-life girlfriend of Michael Cera, Charlyne is my favorite celeb of the moment. I tried my best to look for Cera, but he was nowhere to be seen. Looking forward to seeing their mockumentary Paper Heart, which comes out on August 14th!

Paper Heart's Website

Although at times I felt I was forced into a hippie commune, dancing while participating in tribal chants, and though songs were frequently extended to the point of delirium, I found Akron/Family's enthusiastic energy to be refreshing and their music and vocals to very beautiful, meditative, folksy, experimental. There were impressive amounts of dead-on a capella, and also instrumental improv, not only by the three band members but by their backup wind instruments. Even the flute was badass!

Akron/Family's MySpace

Photos courtesy of SeanEdgar and Danfun's Flickr


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